These 3 Issues Can Sink The Effectiveness Of Your Self-Help Videos
If you feel as though you've been through a self-help journey and you're eager to share your message with others, you may feel compelled to make videos and post them online. Doing so can allow you to reach a wide audience, and whether you eventually hope to make money offering courses or working as a guest speaker, or you're just happy with helping others in their journey, this can be a fulfilling project for you to tackle. Regardless of the specific message that you're sharing, it's important for you to avoid making some of the mistakes that can be present in the self-help community. Here are some examples.
Being Too Abstract
Some people like to think in abstract terms, but this idea isn't for everyone. If the messages that you're sharing in your self-help videos are too abstract, you may risk losing some viewers who are simply having trouble following along. For example, if you feel as though visualizations are a key toward helping people get "unstuck" in their own development, you may share some visualizations that have worked for you. You'll generally want to also provide some examples so that all of your viewers can make more sense of what you're saying.
Providing Teasing Content
Most people who have sought self-help advice online have come across those who promise helpful information but do so only for those who sign up or pay for a program. If you've decided that you'll reach people through free videos, don't tease people in this manner. For example, it's a poor idea to talk about how transformational your ideas are — and then, instead of actually sharing the ideas, refer people to your website where they need to get on a mailing list in order to actually get the content about which you've been speaking. People will get turned off by this behavior, and this can lessen the impact of what you have to say.
Failing To Cite Case Studies
If you've worked with some people in the past by offering your self-help advice to them, their experiences can be valuable when it comes to making your videos. It would be a mistake not to cite these case studies, as you never know which stories will impact your viewers in different ways. Keep the identities of those you're referencing confidential, but simply describe an issue that someone you know was dealing with, what you told him or her, and what shift the person experienced.
For more information on choosing self-help videos, contact your local professionals.